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More possible changes to the post-graduation work permit program

Published: Jul 29, 2024

On January 23, 2024 I commented on the changes to how study permits are issued. I commented on associated changes to the post-graduation work permit program.

Those changes at the beginning of the year were:

  1. starting September 1, 2024 post-graduation work permits will no longer be available to students who graduated from a private college that has been licenced to deliver the curriculum of an associated public college;
  2. spouses of students who are studying at the college or bachelor degree level will no longer qualify for an open spousal work permit, and;
  3. graduates of master's degree programs that are less than two years in duration, will now be eligible to apply for a three year open work permit.

In June, the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration floated a trial balloon. He hinted at further coming changes to the rules on post-graduation work permits. He hinted that international students would have to graduate from programs tied to labour shortages and meet new language requirements to get a work permit after graduation. Under the plan, academic programs would be coded to correspond to Canada's National Occupational Classification. In IRCC's mind, in this way they will be able to identify the programs that meet the educational requirements of the jobs projected to experience labour shortages in the future. It  is hinted that only students who graduate from such programs will be granted post-graduation work permits.

There is no guarantee that this change will be put in place. The immigration system is in an especially chaotic state at this time.


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